Bartlett Innkeeping LLC

Michigan Contact: Thomas & Darci Bartlett
PO Box 700 Elk Rapids MI 49629 Work Phone: 2313576451 Cell Phone: 2313572474
Photo of Bartlett Innkeeping LLC

Biographical Info

We love what we do. I believe that is the secret behind our success as Innkeepers!  Every guest is a brand new opportunity to impress and show the public that staying at a B&B is an experience unlike any hotel stay! The little things, the details, make the difference.  From extraordinary food to first class recommendations on places to go and food to experience.  Our goal is to make your guests’ stay AMAZING.

At Bartlett Innkeeping, we offer you 8+ years of Innkeeping experience and 20+ years of customer service experience.  We are uniquely qualified to meet your needs.

Our most recent accomplishment has been to WOW our guests in Northern Michigan!  With a track record of all 5 STAR reviews, we have connected with folks from all over the world and made lifelong friends as well!  Ask for links to our reviews.  We love to share them!

Contact us for all your Interim needs!

We are available for short or extended stays during peak or off season times. In return, we get to visit this wonderful country, meet great owners and make new friends everywhere we serve.

Available as: Single or Couple

Availability: Check Availability Calendar Here

Travel Preferences: Will consider assignments in: USA or International

Region: Central Region


Categories: Central Region


Our members generally travel outside their home state and home region, so expanding your search to regions other than your home region will increase your options in choosing an interim innkeeper. 

If you would like to post an assignment with the Interim Innkeeper Network, fill out the Post an Assignment Form here and we will share this information with our members only and they will contact you directly.