Step Right Inn

Contact: Richard & Katherine Thompson
Richmond VA Work Phone: 703.472.0458
Photo of Step Right Inn

Biographical Info

After spending many years in client- oriented careers we are ready to
bring fresh energy and enthusiasm to your inn during your absence. Our
goal is to maintain uninterrupted, thoughtful
service so that your guests will enjoy a memorable experience.

Our experience includes hands-on apprentice training with several
seasoned IIN members and engagements at a variety of inns ranging from
3-12 rooms.

Available as: Single or Couple

Availability: Check Availability Calendar Here

Travel Preferences: Will consider assignments in: Northeaster, Mid-Atlantic and Southeastern Regions are preferred but will consider other regions as well.

Region: Mid-Atlantic Region


Categories: Mid-Atlantic Region


Our members generally travel outside their home state and home region, so expanding your search to regions other than your home region will increase your options in choosing an interim innkeeper. 

If you would like to post an assignment with the Interim Innkeeper Network, fill out the Post an Assignment Form here and we will share this information with our members only and they will contact you directly.