Above All Innkeeping
Alabama Contact: Ken & Ann WhisenantBiographical Info
We are so glad you found us on the IIN website.
We are Ken and Ann Whisenant. The following is a brief personal sketch and experience we have in the hospitality industry.
We live in Cullman, Alabama, but available to travel to any area of the country to do what we have loved doing for many years.
We are in great health and hospitality goes perfectly with our very positive personalities.
The name of our company is Above All Innkeeping. This means that the goals of your Inn and your guests will always be first in all we do.
* 30 years of experience
* 15 years owning a historic BnB
* 20 years owning restaurants and
catering businesses
* Ann is a Gourmet Chef
* Ken is a businessman and public
We are available by phone or email to answer any questions you may have.
Available as: Couple
Availability: Check Availability Calendar Here
Travel Preferences: Will consider assignments in: USA
Categories: Southeastern Region
Updated 5 months ago.
Our members generally travel outside their home state and home region, so expanding your search to regions other than your home region will increase your options in choosing an interim innkeeper.
If you would like to post an assignment with the Interim Innkeeper Network, fill out the Post an Assignment Form here and we will share this information with our members only and they will contact you directly.